REGULATORY CALENDAR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Proposed Rulemakings None Final Rulemakings *March 2, 2020 The Coast Guard is issuing non-substantive technical, organizational, and conforming amendments to existing regulations for District 1. These changes reflect the current status of the identified regulated navigation areas, special local regulations, safety zones and security... read more →
REGULATORY CALENDAR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Proposed Rulemakings November 18, 2019 The Coast Guard proposes to increase from 3 years to 7 years the period within which qualifying sea service aboard vessels of the uniformed services can be used to satisfy the requirement for recent sea service to qualify for... read more →
REGULATORY CALENDAR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Proposed Rulemakings November 18, 2019 The Coast Guard proposes to increase from 3 years to 7 years the period within which qualifying sea service aboard vessels of the uniformed services can be used to satisfy the requirement for recent sea service to qualify... read more →
REGULATORY CALENDAR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Proposed Rulemakings *November 18, 2019 The Coast Guard proposes to increase from 3 years to 7 years the period within which qualifying sea service aboard vessels of the uniformed services can be used to satisfy the requirement for recent sea service to qualify for... read more →
September 13, 2019 REGULATORY CALENDAR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Proposed Rulemakings None Final Rulemakings None Agency Notices *September 5, 2019 The notice informs the public that the Coast Guard has recertified the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (CIRCAC) as an alternative voluntary advisory group for Cook Inlet, Alaska.... read more →