For Immediate Release
Transportation Institute applauds the nomination of Elaine L. Chao as the United States Secretary of Transportation. Secretary Chao brings a wealth of crucial experience to the job, including her service as Secretary of Labor, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Chairwoman of the Federal Maritime Commission, and Deputy Administrator of the Maritime Administration.
Secretary Chao is an ally of the American maritime industry. She recognizes and values our critical role in U.S. national, economic, and homeland security. We look forward to working with her again.
Transportation Institute was established in 1967 as a Washington-based, non-profit organization dedicated to maritime research, education, and promotion. The Institute’s member companies participate in all phases of the nation’s deep sea, foreign, and domestic shipping trades. Many are contracted to the U.S. military services. All are of U.S. Registry – manned by American citizen-seamen, operating under the world’s highest safety and environmental standards, and proudly flying the American flag.